Hear the words of Our Blessed Mother, Our Lady of Guadalupe

Know for certain, smallest of my children, that I am the perfect and perpetual Virgin Mary, Mother of the True God through whom everything lives, the Lord of all things near and far, the Master of heaven and earth. I am your merciful Mother, the merciful Mother of all of you who live united in this land, and of all humanity, of all those who love me. Hear and let it penetrate your heart, my dear little one. Let nothing discourage you, nothing depress you. Let nothing alter your heart, or your face. Am I not here who am your mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Am I not your fountain of life? Are you not in the folds of my mantle? In the crossing of my arms? Is there anything else that you need? Do not fear any illness or vexation, anxiety or pain.

Friday, October 29, 2010


"Behold Thy Mother!"

The Catholic Church has always understood these words to be addressed to the entire Church.  On the cross, Christ presented his mother to the Church as our own spiritual mother.

Mary has always enjoyed a unique position in the life of the Catholic Church - a position often misunderstood and many times maligned by those outside the Church.

The purpose of this blog is to explore and explicate the true role of Mary in the Catholic faith - to separate fact from popular fiction - to show that the Catholic teaching surrounding the person of Mary is actually and fundamentally centered on and in the person of Jesus Christ.

I invite you to join me in this exploration, to make comments, ask questions, and engage in dialogue.

Mary, Queen of Heaven, pray for us.